PushEngage Logos Reftagger (Bible Reference)

The love letter

The love letter in the Book of Hebrews

LOVE. Yes. We all crave it.

The Bible is God’s love letter to humanity. The red ribbon inside it symbolizes his love written in red, but my favorite is the book of Hebrews. I think Hebrews is the centerpiece of love. That’s just me because it resonates well with me. Read further down below and Hebrews might become your favorite, too.

So here is God’s profession of his great love for you:

Hebrews 13:5

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”


This verse alone sums it all up. Do you need a provision? Done. Do you need protection? Done. Do you need a shoulder to cry on and to just pour your heart out? Done. What else do you need? It’s all done. Done… and very done.

Do you know of someone who has made a bold promise such as this one? It’s easy to say, “I love you” when everything is going right. But what if hardships and challenges come because they will surely come? Can you still stay true and loyal to the person?

In all honesty and transparency, how do you respond to this question? Aren’t you glad and grateful that whatever may happen, you have Someone who stays true and faithful no matter what?

God’s love is not dependent on our behavior. Even if we fall astray, He is still there. No matter how bad you are or how worse you will become, his love for you will be constant and will never falter. He will not leave your side. Never will. The Bible says it all. It’s on every page. You just have to open and read it. Let it sink into your mind and heart until it becomes real to you.

You don’t have to resort to temporary worldly fixes like sex, drugs, alcohol, food, or superficial, fleeting romances.

God is the genuine lover of you. Get to know him through His Word and talk to him daily. He is never busy. He has been longing to have a relationship with you. He’s been pursuing you ever since.

Now is your time to respond to that love. Go ahead, and make it happen.

Photo by Theo Crazzolara on Unsplash

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