PushEngage Logos Reftagger (Bible Reference)

Deal with your own dregs

Wine dregs


In ancient Israel, during the grape harvest season, the Jews would smash the grapes to get as much liquid as they could and strain the juice by passing the liquid from one jar to another to separate the liquid from the solids that have settled at the bottom of the container. They would then do the same thing and transfer the juice to another jar to further separate the finer solids that have come together with the juice. They will do this multiple times until only the liquids have passed through. And the solids or the sediments that have settled at the bottom are called dregs.

What are dregs? Cambridge Dictionary defines them as the small solid pieces that sink to the bottom of some liquids, such as wine or coffee, that are not usually drunk. It is also used metaphorically in the Bible that refers to sin.

We are all guilty of sin. Even Christians are not immune to sin.

Even though our spirit has now been regenerated, as Christians, we still carry our own flesh, which remains unregenerated or unchanged. This causes a conflict between our spirit and our flesh that wants its fleshly desires.

We are not free of this conflict, and this is where the rubber meets the road. Some of us like to dwell on our sinful desires. We are reluctant to let go of it, so it remains our constant companion. We even allow ourselves to be mastered by our sinful desires.


We are the light of the world, but if you are drowning in your dregs, your light is not shining.

So what is the solution?

Ask for forgiveness and turn away from your sins 180 degrees. Do not just ask for forgiveness as lip service, but truly turn away from it and have a change of attitude and action.

Psalm 103: 8-12
The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

The world is so dark right now and people are looking for answers. They want to know the truth. There are a lot of half-truths circulating in our society, and people are living in a confused state.

We Christians need to stand up and not assimilate into the things of the world. Be separate from the world. Like dregs, some of us have settled and are comfortable in our own state. Just because our salvation is now secured, we have plateaued. If you have been sitting on your dregs and have not dealt with it for a long time, you have absorbed the aroma of complacency. You have comfortably settled in. You need to stand up and do your work.


The world needs you. Do not be a part of the problem; be a part of the solution.

God has given us a purpose and a commission: That is to share the gospel with a hurting world, and to share the love of Jesus Christ. To let the world know that Jesus is the answer, and his Word is the truth. If you are timid or afraid of sharing the gospel, bear in mind that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (I John 4:4)

Isaiah 55:11 also says, “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” So, every time you share the truth of God’s Word, it will accomplish what it needs to do in the person’s heart, and it will prosper.

Got it? I hope this makes you brave enough for you have a God living in you who will help you with your mission.

If you don’t do your part, our society will have its truth elsewhere, and what do you think will the trajectory of our future be? You might think that making a big difference in the world is impossible. You are unquestionably mistaken. You can definitely make a significant change in the world.

The family is the basic unit of society and if you start with your own family, your kids will have a strong and true foundation that will affect their friends, their friend’s friends, and others that they associate as well.

Just like a candle — only one lighted candle — can brighten the entire room.

Remember: Darkness only exists if there is the absence of light.


A single action can cause a ripple effect that will affect thousands. Now, do you part and share God’s Word in your community not only through your words but through your actions too, so you will hear the Lord’s commendation, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21)

Image: https://blueridgechristiannews.com/settling-in-the-dregs-kurt-bomar