PushEngage Logos Reftagger (Bible Reference)


Alpha and OmegaWe dress ourselves in the latest fashion. We crave the latest fads, gadgets and even go to extreme lengths just to be in line with the times. But all these things are only temporary. What is seen will soon pass away and what is not seen is eternal.

If we pay so much attention to what is here now that will be gone tomorrow, how much more should we put emphasis on what will last forever?

There has been so much buzz and craze on what happened ages ago. And it is still happening now, but it seems that people never pay close attention to Him.

The Heavenly King came and is offering free gifts to everyone without reservation. His gifts last for eternity and can never be lost or pass away. It is so much more than that for which we can ever aspire.

If you do not want to be left behind with the times, then why don’t you get yourself in line with the One who has been with the times for all time?


If I am going to put God’s profile and attributes in our modern language and culture, this is what his social media will look like.

Facebook Account:

His personal account name is Jesus Christ, but He exists in three persons in the Godhead of the Trinity. His profile description is, ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.’ (John 14:9)

Twitter Account:

Hashtags, #AlmightyGod, #PrinceofPeace, #WonderfulCounselor (Attributes of Father, Son and Holy Spirit)

Spoke the very first tweet 2,000 years ago, “Come, Follow Me”

Number of followers: Countless in numbers

LinkedIn Account:

His Resume:

Creator of heaven and earth and everything that is in it
Has an all-encompassing knowledge and wisdom that nothing slips out of his attention and knowledge
Started all languages of the world
Have utmost proficiency in the manner and working of all things
Excellent in leadership skills, and never makes mistakes in decisions
Plans are always on point with utmost accuracy and perfection
A best-selling author whose writing is always relevant for all time – applicable in the old days, our modern times and in the future. Book never gets outdated or obsolete.

Instagram Account:

Places he has trodden and where he has been – Heaven, earth and under the earth

Miracles Performed:

Turned water into wine
Walked on water
Multiplied five loaves of bread and 2 fishes
Healed sickness and diseases
Brought dead to life
Calmed the storm by the sound of his voice
Born of a virgin birth
His blood cleanses us of all sins – past, present, and future
… and so much more

Pinterest Account:

You can DIY what He has done: If you believe in Him, you can do the works He had been doing (John 14:12)


WordPress Account:

His Images and Representation:  

Son of God – Revelation 2:18
Alpha and Omega – Revelation 1:8-13
Angel of the Lord – Exodus 3:2
Lion of the tribe of Judah – Revelation 5:5
The Root and the Offspring of David – Revelation 22:16
Lord of lords and King of kings – Revelation 17:14
The Word of God – Revelation 19:13
The Bright and Morning Star – Revelation 22:16

The chaos and calamity that we are experiencing right now are all predicted in God’s Word. Chaos, financial instability, famine, pestilence, wars, and rumors of wars. These are all expected before Christ returns to take his bride, the Church. The Church is composed of all believers who have placed their faith in Christ alone.

Have you done that?

If not, I urge you to do so today, without delay.  Dr. David Jeremiah has a good article and videos on how to get saved.  Better get right with God right now while you still have the time. You might not get a second chance, and it will be too late for you.

If you are following a God other than the One True God, then you are on the wrong side. Better make the change while there is still time. Or else, you will definitely be left behind.

Think and analyze if your God measures to the True God and see if he has any of the attributes I just described above. Has your God risen from the grave and ascended into heaven like Jesus did? If not, then why follow and worship him…. unless you want to remain in the grave just like him. He cannot even save his own self from death.

Jesus Christ has proven it again, and it is the only grave that people visit in Israel to witness an empty tomb.

Do not be persuaded by what other people believe in. Matthew 7:13-14 says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Seek the truth for yourself. Open the Bible and the truth will set you free.