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Juices for fasting

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Fasting is the most ancient, inexpensive and powerful healing strategy known to mankind. It has been used by the great sages and spiritual leaders throughout history. It’s an ancient healing practice that dates back to the beginning of mankind when our bodies were forced to adapt to times of famine and food scarcity on a regular basis. It still costs nothing to practice and could transform the health of every cell in your body!

There can be great benefits to confining the time window in which you consume your calories each day, however, many misconceptions exist.

So let’s dispel the most common fasting myths so you can feel more comfortable using this powerful health strategy in your daily life.

 The 5 Top Myths About Fasting!


1. Fasting is unnatural and unhealthy

Intermittent fasting actually seems to have an overall healing effect on the body by stimulating repair and protection mechanisms.

2. Fasting slams down your metabolism

Research shows that intermittent fasting can have a metabolism boosting effect as it promotes a state of ketosis and increases growth hormone levels.

3. Fasting causes nutrient deficiencies

Of all the intermittent fasting myths, this is one of the most unfounded. When you fast, you use up significantly fewer nutrients and are able to retain them for future use.

4. Fasting causes muscle loss

A recent study showed that alternate – day fasting for a period of 8 weeks stimulated fat loss on average of 12 lbs while there was no significant loss in muscle mass.

5. Fasting causes eating disorders

It’s not likely that intermittent fasting would cause an eating disorder. However, it is possible that a dietary strategy aimed at promoting weight loss would attract those who already struggle with the eating disorder.

Not eating for a period of time can be VERY therapeutic for your body. In fact, intermittent fasting boosts the immune system, stimulates the clean – up and recycling of old damaged cells, improves DNA repair, improves insulin sensitivity and helps to protect you against a number of different diseases.

Join me on January 14th for the start of the free, online Fasting Transformation Summit empowering you to live with a stronger, more powerful edge in life.

Free Guide On The Benefits Of Fasting!


Fasting has incredible healing and body restorative benefits. In this guide, Dr. Jockers will break down the key terms, strategies and preparation steps to help you successfully transform your body, mind, and spirit. In fact, Dr. Jockers himself used fasting to help overcome IBS and skin cancer.

In this 40-page eGuide, you’ll learn who should and should not fast, which type of fasting is best for you, health benefits that can be gained from fasting and answers to most common questions and more!

You Don’t Need 3 Meals A Day And Snacks In Between.


The greatest challenge is to mentally break free from the societal programming that tells us we need 3 meals a day and snacks in between.

Liberate yourself from the belief that you’ll starve if you skip a meal!

Here are the 5 reasons to consider fasting as part of your health strategy:

1. Fasting Improves Immune Regulation

Fasting allows your body to put more energy and focus on the process of effective immune regulation. Fasting while drinking water and cleansing beverages flush out the digestive system and reduce the number of natural microorganisms in the gut.

2. Fasting Stimulates Cellular Autophagy

Fasting also stimulates the process of autophagy, where the body breaks down old, damaged and abnormal cells to recycle them for energy. The process of autophagy is part of the innate immune system and utilizes pattern recognition receptors to identify viral cell invaders.

3. Fasting Improves Genetic Repair Mechanisms

Research has shown that cells have a greater lifespan during times of food scarcity and famine. Intermittent fasting enhances cellular rejuvenation by acting on certain genetic repair mechanisms — you use less energy to repair a cell than to divide and create new cells.

4. Fasting Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Thousands of years of food scarcity led our bodies to develop a protective mechanism to adapt to alternating phases of food abundance and scarcity. During times of food scarcity, our cell membranes become more sensitive to insulin. This is especially important when food is scarce because it ensures that every bit of food is efficiently used or stored.

5. Intermittent Fasting and Chronic Diseases

Individuals with autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and Crohn’s disease, have seen a tremendous improvement in symptoms with the incorporation of intermittent fasting. This process reduces the hyper-inflammatory processes these individuals undergo and allows for more normalized immune function.

Incorporating periods of intermittent fasting and using the strategies learned at Dr. Jockers’ Fasting Transformation Summit can help the body become stronger and more resilient against the development of chronic disease.

Learn everything about this health tactic plus have long-term access to the transcripts and unlock the bonus eBooks and eGuides from the amazing speakers by ordering your package here.

Fasting is one of the few health modalities that could transform the health of every cell in your body and saves us money.