PushEngage Logos Reftagger (Bible Reference)

How to have a STRONG foundation

Strong foundation

We all want to have a strong foundation. This is the reason people go to the gym and carry some weights, do various kinds of exercises, and join fitness classes. This is good, however, this foundation only deals with the external — our physical health.

There is another foundation that is more important than our physical. And that is our spiritual health. This is an area that is not really
worked on. This is most often overlooked but very foundational in our overall health. When you have a strong spiritual life, it affects your mind, your attitude, and your actions. 

Having a strong spiritual foundation starts by reading God’s Word daily. The Bible has a lot of biblical principles that address every area of our life. The Bible is the source of truth and if you align yourself with God’s truth; you have a strong anchor. You are NOT easily moved by new ideas and practices. 

When you are rooted in God’s Word, you are like a man who built his house on a rock. (Luke 6:48). You are also that person who is likened to a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers. (Psalm 1:3)

When your foundation is strong, you are not easily persuaded by the latest fad or belief even if it is held by the majority, since you can filter those ideas through God’s truth.


Now, when you are faced with problems, you don’t easily give up because you have the Lord and his promises that keep you steady. You know that you will never carry your burdens alone and that you have an Advocate to the Father who will never leave you nor forsake you.

Now if you fall to the other spectrum where you don’t have God’s Word as your foundation, when storms come, you will easily fall into depression because you don’t have Jesus, as your Solid Rock, where you get your strength, to fight and to know how to deal with trying circumstances. When your belief is based on things other than the Bible, you build your foundation on sinking sand that will easily erode you to destruction.

So start today and work on getting your spiritual foundation strong so you come out victorious in every aspect of your life.

Image: https://images.app.goo.gl/jTx1dc3Ui31RAgqk8