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Things You NEVER Knew About Autoimmune Diseases!

Break the cycle of autoimmune pain

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Great news! Dr. Peter Osborne has been working on the second Autoimmune Revolution Summit for the past year, and it’s finally ready. Dr. Osborne is one of the most sought-after functional medicine doctors in the world, often referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior.” His practice is centered on helping those with painful chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies.

The first event which started on January 2017 attracted nearly 100,000 persons who learned to treat the root cause of their pain, not just the symptoms.

This summit event was designed with his protocols in mind. Plus, he interviewed 35 of the world’s leading health experts —— doctors, pediatricians, cardiologists, pharmacists, nutritionists, chiropractors, dieticians, and others on topics like Hashimoto’s disease, arthritis, hormone dysfunctions, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, mold toxicity, environmental illnesses and more.

The problem we’re all confronted with conventional medicine is that it “treats” autoimmune disease with a pill which has failed to achieve meaningful outcomes. In fact, it has created an even greater health crisis which Dr. Peter Osborne calls the “Prescription Pain Trap.” The physical, chemical and emotional pain these conditions create, and our failure to treat them properly impact millions around the world —- and it doesn’t have to be this way. Join us on this free, online Autoimmune Revolution Summit in helping you treat the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms.

Dr. Peter Osborne also has a powerful, 68-page eBook, the Autoimmune Matrix, to help overcome the struggles of having an autoimmune disease. Healing is a journey and it requires intelligent guided actions, not guessing. It requires listening to your body, then taking that feedback to make adjustments and work toward improvements. Expect setbacks to happen. It’s a journey and The Autoimmune Matrix can help.

You can also purchase a package to add to your library collection so you can listen to all the experts’ talks on your own time. Plus, with your purchase, you will also get 11 free gifts at no additional charge. And this is backed with a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked, no hassles and no problem. So there is really nothing for you to lose. With a small investment, you get loads of information, knowledge, and resources that can help you in your journey. Your support helps us make summits like these in the future so we can help more people like you and your loved ones.

  1. 30 Days in 30 Ways Program.
  2. Create a Successful Candida Protocol eBundle.
  3. Metabolism Quickstart eGuide.
  4. GreenMedInfo’s Science of Longevity eReport.
  5. Mama Z’s Recipe Makeover eGuide.
  6. True Cellular Detox 90-Day Meal Plan eBundle.
  7. 7 Steps to Healing Childhood Emotional Trauma and Building Resilience eBook.
  8. How to Fix Lyme Disease Audiobook.
  9. 5 Steps to a Healthy, Happy Child! eBook
  10. Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia eBook.
  11. Exposed to Mold, Now What? eGuide.

The 11 items found above are the free gifts when you make a purchase on the package that best suits you. Click here to make a purchase.

You can truly get started on better health today!

Note:  Don’t miss out on Dr. Osborne’s powerful, 68- page eBook, the Autoimmune Matrix. Click here to get started on your healing journey.