  We all have goals and dreams in our lives, but some of us only settle for something less. Maybe you feel that you are not qualified enough, you don’t have the right skills, resources, or  experience for it. We are all familiar with these thoughts and feelings, aren’t we? These are all normal and even beneficial because it moves us to do something about it. If you look at those who are living their dreams, they too didn’t have everything, but they still went head on. Whatever they lacked, be it in knowledge, skill set, finances, or experience, that didn’t stop them from reaching their goals. They worked with whatever they had at their disposal and learned the needed skills along the way. As a Christian, the Lord has…
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Why Worry?

Why Worry?

Christianity, Emotional, Health, Mental, Spiritual
  If you listen to the news, most of the reports are about pestilence, wars, corruption, and civil unrest. And it's easy to fall prey to worry with all these circumstances surrounding us. But do you really need to worry? I think we should work and prepare for such things, but worry shouldn't be one of them. Worrying doesn't do you any good. It only robs you of your joy. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34). The Bible says that you can't add a single hour to your life by worrying (Matthew 6:27). So Why Should You? If you're a Christian, with the coronavirus pandemic that is troubling the world today, then you have nothing…
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How To Make This Christmas Season Your Best Ever

How To Make This Christmas Season Your Best Ever

  Today is Christmas Day. While you are done unwrapping your presents and enjoyed the occasion with your friends and family members, it would be worthwhile to step back and reflect on the real reason for this holiday season. Two thousand years ago, God’s Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth as a baby to live among us. The Creator of the universe decided to make Himself known to his creation through his Only Son and to be born by a peasant girl, Mary. Though I would no longer elaborate on the whole story since this is all too familiar, I would like to turn your attention to Jesus who suffered an excruciating pain at the cross so you can live with Him in heaven for eternity. The blood that came…
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